Tuesday 6 October 2015

Holy Island

So what if it's raining, it's still a wonderful place to be still, refreshed and recharged . Also to give thanks for these wonderful weeks and the precious people who are my companions through life.  

On the beach is a pilgrim's Hut built over the years by visitors. Today the stones seemed to be crying as the rain eased. A reminder that many of those earlier pilgrims had brought their own experience of pain as of course do today's.

I was  guided by a prayer walk from 'Open  Gate'

'Is God building something profound in you in a time of pain, difficulty and frustration? Ponder these things and try to embrace God's process - see what it is that he is trying to teach you rather than wanting to move on to the next "season"'

This last bit really spoke to me. I've come here rather expecting to consolidate, review, refocus and generally tie up loose ends. However the clear message for today is about today. There's nothing I can do about yesterday and tomorrow is...  tomorrow.

A word to me: live with the loose ends, the incomplete picture, the imperfect paragraph, the unfinished symphony. Live within the exciting mystery of God.

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