Monday 10 August 2015

Crowds flock to hear JC

HT Just read about crowds of young people flocking to hear a message of hope. The one speaking seemed to understand their sense of betrayal by the system, their sense of abandonment by the very people who were supposed to care for them and how they felt besieged by lack of prospects and opportunity.

The meetings were heavily oversubscribed even through attendees reported that they had a sense of the religious. The one they'd cone to hear had to clamber onto an impromptu platform so he could be heard.

The crowds warmed to his message and enthusiastically pledged allegiance, even though the message was radical and considered dynamite by the establishment, they signed up in their droves to show allegiance to this bearded JC

'Islington, London Borough of Labour' on the rise of Jeremy Corbyn Observer 9.8.15

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